(so humble that I only sign my work with the mysterious -yet stylized-
"?" question-mark-shaped letter "P".)
Oh, so how to begin this post after...Lo! A MONTH has passed since my last offering.
Many quotes could be used, from Mark Twain's oft-repeated, "the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" to even to paraphrase Eva Peron's (by way of the play, 'Evita'), "Don't cry for me 'blogger-readers', the truth is I never left you..."
So what HAVE I been doing these past several weeks?
Well, some recharging of mental batteries, a lot of real-life @#$%^&* (my car's transmission gave up the ghost and my wife's car had problems that in order to fix cost the money I had saved to buy a used one for ME).
After a summer of no real work (my current job with a school is "seasonal") I MAY be called back in for work, but still...without a car it will be difficult as there is no mass transportation here in the woods.
Still, the good news is that I got to do some freelance artwork.
I had a few occasions to use my talents to earn some well-needed green - two for old employers, who - while still not able to rehire me - due to budgetary constraints - occasionally send me some requests for artwork. I won't bore you with those pieces, since they tend to be, non-comic-book, exploded-view technical specs for how to assemble assorted products. *yawn*
I DO have a promotional comic book project that has been given the green-light, but I am still waiting for the script, so that isn't anything I can work on at the moment.
However, I have had a few instances where I have either been asked (or, took it upon myself) to draw a comic-book character (or two) for a reader of ye olde blog.
Sadly, I didn't scan in some of the other pieces, as they were more or less "quickies" ($10 - $20 "sketches" drawn on comic book backing boards, which, while I might call them "sketches", can be very detailed and often are what other artists might charge double the amount to produce).
Characters like Batman, Spider-Man and Green Lantern. Cool stuff, but, as I said, basic sketches and I mailed them off without nary a scan.
However, one very recent illustration was drawn for someone who did not request one, per se, but did - out of the goodness of her heart - decide to make a donation via my little "Good Karma Generator" button on the right side-column.
Kim August (it's ok... I asked if I could give out her name) opened her heart (and purse) to send a donation and so touched was I by her kindness that I made sure to draw her something "special" as my way of saying thanks.
drawn by PTOR, ye humble blogger.
(so humble that I only sign my work with the mysterious -yet stylized-
"?" question-mark-shaped letter "P".)
Oh, and the URL typed along the top is only on this digital version.
Oh, and the URL typed along the top is only on this digital version.
Drawn in pencil (blue and graphite) with copious amounts of subtle detail and shading, on 8.5 x 11 bristol board (the type of paper used for the drawing of comics), I presented her with this rendition of Doctor Strange (a large head-shot with a smaller full-body pose alongside).
Basically, I drew two different "roughs" and then dove into this final piece (which would normally fetch somewhere around $50 - $70 or so at this size and level of detail, but I gave to her "free" to repay a kind deed).
Just so you can see the process, here are the two sketches.
2 ballpoint pen scribble sketches.
The first sketch I was looking for the right "mood" for Doc's face. Then, I just wanted to rough out the rest of the composition: smaller full-figure of Doctor Strange in his astral form, window design, but wasn't sure about adding the collar of the Cloak of Levitation.
The second sketch, I made the main figure / bust a bit smaller so I could fit in the cloak and the Eye of Agamotto, and then changed the position of the smaller figure to one that I liked much better.
But, the main figure now seemed too small for the composition, so I would have to lose the cloak and Eye entirely to accommodate the larger head.
And thus, once the final layout was deemed "right", I worked up the final piece that you saw above.
(Normally, if I was taking this as a commission - and not a surprise "thank you" - I'd have emailed the rough sketch to see if that was the direction the buyer would want before drawing the final piece.)
I sent her a scan of the final piece to see if she liked it, and with her blessing, the physical drawing is on it's way to her mailing address.
Of course, this reminds me that I need to draw at least one other piece for a very special patron of this blog (seriously, she gave me a laptop when my old one went away - just so I can blog) for all that she's done (although, truthfully, I did begin a piece for her quite awhile ago, but wanted to make it grander, and so now's the time).
Currently, I have another piece that I am working on (sadly, still in the preliminary stages) but I can show you where it is at present in rough sketch form... (and I promise to show the final version here when it is done).
Asked by a reader (I won't reveal names, until it is finished and then only if the commissioner says it is ok) for a drawing of "Doctor Strange and Clea, dancing below the Sanctum window, under the light of the moon, barely touching each other and the floor", I felt that a delightful, energetic dance, but with only the merest touch of the fingertips might be called for.
Also, I thought that the scene might lend itself to a little more in the way of dancing if I included a statue of the "Lord of the Dance" (no, not Micheal Flatley...) the "dancing Shiva" (Nataraja) of eastern Hindu faith (and something that one taught in the ways of eastern mysticism, as Dr. Strange was might well be familiar), along in the piece.
blue pencil and some minor photoshop scribbles after scanning
(it will look MUCH better upon completion!)
As you can see, in the rough, I did not opt for the actual Nataraja statue, but an "other-dimensional" incarnation (as seen on the splash page of Doctor Strange # 55 by Michael Golden), so as to link it to "canon" and just in case the requester didn't want the real thing in the piece.
Well, as it turns out, she loves the idea and I'll place the real one there for the final.
While I worked on several different poses for the pair of dancers, this pose isn't quite what is hoped for, and so I am in the process of sketching dance poses that might be more in keeping with the concept requested.
I should note that some of the details were added after I scanned it in, since the characters were all nude in my rough drawing (I'm a classically-trained artist and drawing nudes is always preferred to get the body forms correct and THEN dress them).
I'd post the nude versions here, but this IS an all-ages blog (sorta) and that wouldn't be right (or SFW).
Needless to say, I am not squeamish about drawing nudes, should anyone wish to request such a thing.
THE FINAL was completed (and is quite different from the rough) and finally posted on the blog as a year-end special.
I'll toss the pic here, but you should go check out the full story in its own post.
Check it out [HERE] - and the FULL process - complete with many rough sketches on my ART BLOG [HERE].
pencil (blue & graphite) 11x17 image on larger vellum-finish bristol board
Still and all, this is my way of saying that I am available for requests. *
* No. It doesn't have to be a Doctor Strange commission, silly. ;-)
I can draw anything, and even your own creations, should that be your desire.
- Basically, contact me, and tell me what you're looking for, and we'll talk (email probably) until I know exactly what you want.
Use my Sanctum email, so I know you came from here:
Use my Sanctum email, so I know you came from here:
- Then either use your own paypal portal (or use my "Good Karma Generator") to make payment.
- I'll work up several roughs and email digital copies to you for any
corrections/changes/suggestions/praise and then...
- I'll work up the final piece.
I know this may all seem to be a bit weird with only one drawing and a VERY rough sketch to go by, but you should know that I've been a paid, professional illustrator for very nearly 30 years, and not only have worked on everything from comic books, children's books, and TV storyboards, but also designed products for multi-national corporations. I'm not some kid with a set of crayons (not even the jumbo pack with the sharpener on the back).
For several years, while working in the comic book industry (1987 - 1992 - and then a little more til 1996) I would travel to various comic conventions and had a table in the pro room ("Artist's Alley") where I would draw requests on the spot.
(Anyone who wants to see other pieces of my comic style art, I can point to some older blog entries that feature my work - see them at the bottom of this post.)
But for anyone who is interested, here's a basic price list (all size measurements are in inches):
Prices in GREEN are basic prices.
ORANGE add-ons really count for nearly full-size extra characters. Smaller multiple figures would be cheaper.
See the rough sketches shown above?
Those are basically the same style as the "doodles".
Those are basically the same style as the "doodles".
$ 2.00 - rough doodle of any character (could be pencil, could be ballpoint pen, could be marker) on paper and sent via mail in a regular envelope. (most likely be on a section of bond (copy) paper, but could be on an index card, or a stickie-pad note - YOUR CHOICE!)
Add $ 1.00 for any additional character.
(mailing costs an additional 50 cents in the USA. Other countries Mailing costs extra.)
$ 4.00 - same as above, but better. (could be roughed out in color, either colored inks, or pencils)
Add $ 2.00 for any additional character.
(mailing costs an additional 50 cents in the USA. Other countries Mailing costs extra.)
$ 5.00 - BIGGER (8.5" x 11" paper) rough doodle of any character (still, could be pencil, could be ballpoint pen, could be marker) on copy/bond paper and sent via mail FLAT in a shipping envelope with cardboard protection, to prevent bending).
Add $ 2.00 for any additional character.
(mailing costs an additional $1.00 in the USA. Other countries Mailing costs extra.)
$ 9.00 - same as above, but better. (could be roughed out in color, either colored inks, or pencils)
Add $ 2.00 for any additional character.
(mailing costs an additional $1.00 cents in the USA. Other countries Mailing costs extra.)
(ALL illustrations also get a free digital copy)
7 x 10.5 Comic Backing Boards
$ 10.00 - 7 x 10.5 - much better than the "dollar doodle", a detailed, but basic sketch in pencil on a comic book backing board.
Add $5.00 for each additional character.
Cost of mailing is extra depending on how you want it or where you live.
$ 20.00 - 7 x 10.5 - same as above, but in ink (marker).
Add $10.00 for each additional character.
Cost of mailing is extra depending on how you want it or where you live.
8.5 x 11 - or - 9 x 12 - Bristol Board
$ 50.00 - 8.5 x 11 (or 9 x 12) - illo of head shot or full figure on bristol board (the same paper used by comic artists)
Fully rendered style (like the Doctor Strange head-shot seen above).
Add $20.00 for each additional character.
(smaller, background characters would be cheaper for ALL artwork)
(smaller, background characters would be cheaper for ALL artwork)
Cost of mailing is extra depending on how you want it or where you live.
$ 75.00 - 8.5 x 11 (or 9 x 12) - same as above but inked (marker or india ink depending on illustration)
Add $30.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
$ 100.00 - 8.5 x 11 (or 9 x 12) - same as above, but in color (marker and/or colored pencils)
Add $30.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
$ 200.00 - 8.5 x 11 (or 9 x 12) - same as above, but either painted watercolor or ink-wash grey-tones.
Add $50.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
11 x 17 - Bristol Board
$ 100.00 - 11x17 - illo of head shot or full figure on bristol board (the same paper used by comic artists)
(fully rendered style like the Doc head-shot seen above)
Add $30.00 for each additional character.
Cost of mailing is extra depending on how you want it or where you live.
$ 175.00 - 11 x 17 - same as above but inked (marker or india ink depending on illustration)
Add $30.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
$ 200.00 - 11 x 17 - same as above, but in color (marker and/or colored pencils)
Add $50.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
$ 300.00 - 11 x 17 - same as above, but either painted watercolor or ink-wash grey-tones.
Add $50.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
Larger sizes, and different media can be discussed.
Some shipping costs can be eliminated for more expensive requests.
2.5 x 3.5 - SKETCH CARDS
$ 10.00 - single character or head shot in pencil - on 2.5 x 3.5 card stock.
Add $5.00 for 2nd character. $3.00 for each additional character.
Basic detail.
Cost of mailing is extra depending on how you want it or where you live.
$ 20.00 - same as the $10 item above, but inked (marker) and/or with grey-tones in greater detail.
Add $5.00 for 2nd character. $3.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
$ 30.00 - same as above, but in color (marker and/or colored pencils).
Add $10.00 for 2nd character. $5.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
$ 40.00 - same as above but painted watercolors (or ink-wash)
Add $15.00 for 2nd character. $5.00 for each additional character.
Mailing costs extra.
Bulk discounts apply.
A piece featuring ROM Spaceknight that I drew for a Bill Mantlo fund-raising event - [HERE]
Old "wizard" magazine contest entries featuring some cool Doctor Strange poses - [HERE]
Some old pieces drawn while I used to do comic conventions in the 1990's [HERE]
You may be interested in seeing more, and some different styles and mediums of my work (children's book style art, book covers, and more), which can be seen on my Art Blog (which is in need of an update - and this is a pretty good reason to do so) - [HERE]
Don't you worry, visitors to the Sanctum Sanctorum, more Doctor Strange (and assorted "6-Dimensions") posts are coming here soon!
Hey... the more art requests I get, the less I need to go bust my butt at my other job (IF it exists this year), so that means MORE blogposts for YOU... WIN-WIN!
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