Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Not-So Nativity Scene

I just want to take this time to wish everyone all the Happiness of this
Holiday Season!

And to help celebrate your 

...I present to you this scene that we are ALL glad is not 
MARVEL canon.

(click to make YULE-SIZED)

SCARLET WITCH as MARY, SPIDER-MAN refusing to play any part of it, let alone the role of JOSEPH,
and HOWARD the DUCK as... oh, I can't even type that out.

Oh, I KNOW... really. I know.
But you have to believe me when I say that THIS was meant in ALL good fun, with no blasphemous intent. Spidey, of course, being the moral compass (sorta) - to keep us out of it.

Still, I did have OTHER ideas for this year's action figure fumetti card. (Some were even worse!)

Others included DOCTOR STRANGE letting LUKE CAGE interview prospective casting calls for the roles of MARY in the Sanctum (with all my super-women action figures, ranging from MAGIK, ZATANNA, SPIDER-WOMAN, MOONDRAGON, DAGGER, SNOWBIRD, PHOENIX, BLINK, MOONSTONE and MORE, including... oh yeah... SATANA, all auditioning).
The jokes were to have been CLEA trying to use her relationship with STRANGE to garner the role, MOONDRAGON demanding it since she was almost the Celestial Madonna and LUKE just looking at SATANA and saying "No... NO WAY!"

Perhaps a panel of MAN-THING being shot down for the role, as LUKE tells him flat out: "Dude... it's in your NAME! "MAN"-Thing!" To which the silent Man-Thing thinks, "But...LOOK at me! I AM a virgin."

Also a single shot of LUKE standing next to DOCTOR STRANGE, looking at all the beautiful, sexy, super-women and exclaiming "SWEET CHRISTMAS!" (as he used to do).

These next jokes might actually get used some other time as they ARE pretty cool...

The ILLUMINATI all arguing over who should be the "3 Wise Men" (with BLACK BOLT, BLACK PANTHER and NAMOR insisting it should be the "3 KINGS")...
Originally, it was to be DR. STRANGE, PHANTOM STRANGER & either JOHN CONSTANTINE or SARUMAN (or GANDALF) as the "3 Wise Men", but I couldn't decide on which.

...and/or the ASTRAL FORM of DOCTOR STRANGE, DEADMAN and the Marvel villain, GHOST, all portraying the "Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future" to a SCROOGE figure (maybe HOWARD the DUCK, so as to riff on the Scrooge MacDuck thing), with the transparent variant of the MUPPET's "UNCLE DEADLY" as JACOB MARLEY.

Now... technically the Scarlet Witch DID give "virgin birth" to twins (you think theVision can reproduce?)... so... oh, whatever.

SO you see, the wheels WERE turning, and I had all the figures posed and ready to go, but just lacked the time to get it all together. So, I went with my first concept - for better or ill - and hope that you find it at least moderately amusing (and not overly offensive).

Of course, this was all inspired by my similar action-figure Christmas fumetti from a couple of years back [HERE].

So... once again,
Let's all sing a chorus of "O Man-Thing Tree"...
"O Manny-Thing, O Manny-Thing, Thy leaves are always burning..."

Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men-Things.

WAUGH, indeed!

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